Justine received her BFA in dance performance at Marygrove College in Detroit. She has taught dance for 9 years and danced professionally with the Detroit Dance Collective.. She has been featured on Fox 5 News for workout Wednesday news segments as well as in San Diego Magazineand Riviera Magazine.
Justine’s knowledge in personal training and dance are not what make her a unique coach. She finds importance in creating personal connections with the people around her. She has a positive, energetic outlook on life and she strives to encourage others to do the same. Her workouts can be tough but are often filled with laughter. She strongly believes that a healthy lifestyle does not solely consist of the physical, but rather a well-rounded connection between mind and body. She focuses on building a program personally to meet your goals incorporating balance, alignment, flexibility, functional strength, circuit training or body fat reduction just new name a few.
Justine understands the obstacles of a busy schedule! Through meal planning and creative workout solutions, she can show you how small, consistent changes can lead to lasting results.
Aside from coaching, Justine enjoys spending time with her husband Danny and Jack Russell Billa, relaxing at the beach, hiking and visiting family and loved ones. She is currently keeping up with her passion for dance taking classes at Malashock Dance in Point Loma.
Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine
Zumba Instructor
Precision Nutrition Certification – Level 1